12:00 PM12:00

Movie Night with YAD and the JCC

Time for some drama!

Join your friends from YAD, The JTeam, and JCC Young Adults as we watch the closing film from this year's JCC Jewish and Israeli Film Festival!

Meet us at the J, where we'll have yummy movie-themed food, snacks and drinks as we watch and discuss "A Common Goal."


Almost half the players on the Israeli National Soccer Team are Muslim, including the captain. The team’s diverse group of players causes controversy, especially during an important European tournament, most of it provoked by racist fans and the media. The players have their loyalty questioned by all sides while trying to guide Israel’s national team through the year’s biggest international challenge.

RSVP and Payment

RSVP and pay below, or RSVP via FB/dm and pay at the door. Can’t wait to see you!

Submit payment here, or pay at the door:

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End of Summer Picnic Meetup
6:00 PM18:00

End of Summer Picnic Meetup

JTeam friends, it's been too long!

Join us at Bechtold Park for a relaxed picnic meetup so we can reconnect IRL and meet some great new people. Individually-packaged dinner, snacks and drinks (requisite hard seltzer included, because millennials) will be served. You just bring your smile, your friends, and a frisbee or volleyball if you're so inclined! As you nibble, sip and shmooze, we’ll also make some time to explore some themes of the upcoming holidays: The Days of Awe(some).

And, we can’t say for sure, but you might just find yourself leaving with some treats to take home for the holiday... (Or to devour in your car as soon as you’re alone. We won’t judge.)

JTeam style, expect great food, expect to meet incredible fellow Jews from across the spectrum, and expect an opportunity to discuss Jewish ideas in an open and collaborative way.

Space is limited! RSVP via Messenger, ticket link, or just hit "Going" above.

Your $5-10 suggested donation is appreciated!

Photo cred: Jennie Clavel on Unsplash

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Chopped: JTeam Edition
7:00 PM19:00

Chopped: JTeam Edition

Please note change of date to 5/31!

The next best thing after eating with friends? Watching some of your friends slave over creating beautiful dishes while you chat with other friends about life, food, and how much fun it is to watch other people cook.

Welcome to Virtual Chopped, JTeam Edition. Four of the Cincinnati YJP community's finest home chefs will duke it out live on Zoom.

Good luck to our adventurous contestants!
Brad Altman
Missy Goldstein Gleisser
Yosef Kirschner
And... maybe you! One last slot open! Be in touch if you think you have what it takes...

Local talent and flavors. A special guest appearance by Chef Vik of Zula Bistro. Fierce competition. Lots of laughs. Shmoozing about Jewish food and culture. Just grab a drink or dinner and prepare to be amazed, entertained, and inspired!

Zoom link in FB event. Like our page to receive updates on new events!

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The Think Tanked - Monthly
to Jul 25

The Think Tanked - Monthly

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Sooooo, the original plan was a monthly happy hour with a meaningful discussion. A relaxed social setting, but with real intellectual conversation. We like to think of it as a happy hour for intellectuals ;-) We would get together in some chilled central spot with great couches, have cocktails and hors dourves, and wax philosophical about all kinds of things. We know, it sounds amazing.

But, times are meshuga. So, like Good Jews, we're adapting and getting ahead of it! The events will be BYOB, I'll share a cocktail recipe that I would have made for y'all at the meetup if you want to get in the "spirit," or just join us with your favorite drink (any other #drpepper diehards out there?!). We'll share ideas and connect with each other with hearts and minds and words -- no venue necessary.

We have some amazing topics lined up. And we love suggestions :-)

More details tba asap! Stay tuned! Follow us on FB for real-time updates.

#thinktanked #drinkresponsively

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10:30 PM22:30


Traditioooooooooooon, tradition! Ever hear about the long-standing Jewish tradition to build the sukkah immediately following Yom Kippur? Now's your chance to get in on the excitement.

Hammer and decorate while you chat, munch and sip on your favorite break-fast foods with the rest of the team. Hit the comments below to tell us what your go-to post-fast foods are!

And, in case you were wondering, find out WHY we like to get in on sweaty work right after fasting.

We'll be building a sukkah with our awesome friends Yosef and Elka Kirschner, who are OneTable community hosts and Cincinnati Vine ambassadors.

Come hungry (gotcha). See ya there!

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Shabbook Club Dinner Series
to Oct 25

Shabbook Club Dinner Series

Yup, you read that right. That title is all your dreams coming true in one night. Shabbat dinner with all the trimmings, your favorite bookworm pals, and lively discussion about timely issues dear to the Jewish people... Sigh.

Join us for one, two, or three sessions in the series. At each Shabbat dinner (October 4, 18 and 25) we'll be covering ONE chapter ("letter") from the famed book "Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor." When the author, Yossi Klein Halevi, comes to visit Cincinnati at the end of October, you'll be a maven on Israel! Educate yourself on the issues, and help your friends get the most broad and informed perspective possible by lending your voice to the discussion.

Don't worry. We know you don't have time to read. Neither do we! So we're going to choose one chapter to cover at each session. Just one. And if you didn't read it, we'll make sure you can still join the discussion!

Shabbat dinner and a book club... They go together like challah and kiddush. Looking forward to seeing you!

*Times subject to slight adjustment, will be confirmed closer to date.
**RSVPs a MUST no later than Wednesday before the session.

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JTeam @ The ish Festival
11:00 AM11:00

JTeam @ The ish Festival

Festival. Community. Social. Giving. Connecting. YJPs. It's all just so... “JTeam-ish.” And we need your help!

Consider volunteering to help man our table for an hour during the festival - we will be offering an awesome hands-on activity to benefit the homeless, and we'll need all hands on deck!

Shoot me (Kayla) a text or FB message to let me know you’ll be there! 646-404-2842

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Give & Take Challah Bake @ MoHo
6:00 PM18:00

Give & Take Challah Bake @ MoHo

It's the collab you've been waiting for! MoHo and The JTeam bring you a night of food, friends, fun -- and charitable at that!

Join us as we have a blast baking challah together. Braid two challahs, take one home to bake for shabbat (your neighbors will all be knocking), and we'll donate the second to a family in need. Do it all while connecting with friends, old and new.

Light dinner will be served!

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Bikur Cholim Home Makover
11:00 AM11:00

Bikur Cholim Home Makover

Hands-on teamwork with the awesomest community of YJPs, doing it for Jewish Cincinnati, amazing food while we do it. What could be better? It’s what the JTeam is all about. Join us!

Activities will be going on throughout the day, so join us when you can and for as long as you like! Weather permitting, work will be happening outside and inside the apt, with a cookout going on on the front lawn.

Please register below.

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JTEAM LAUNCH EVENT: Pre-Purim 2019 Jewish Unity Project
6:00 PM18:00

JTEAM LAUNCH EVENT: Pre-Purim 2019 Jewish Unity Project

  • 2635 Section Road Cincinnati, OH, 45237 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Purim… A time of good cheer, good spirits, good humor, and overlooking the differences “masking” us from each other. Join us for an unforgettable JTEAM Launch: The Jewish Unity Project. Comedy (the ultimate icebreaker), mishloach manot-inspired gift swaps, hors d’oeuvres and (actual) spirits. Come hungry for food, friendship and fun. You don’t want to miss Installment #1 of this incredible new initiative.

Kerry Verdier
Justin Kirschner
Brad Altman
Liam Ries
Brie Juran
Bailey Romano
Michael Evers
Josh Adler & Natalie Morrison

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If you’re a JTeam Fellow or registering before March 1, 2019, you can skip this step.

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