Hooray, you’re here!
In a little dimly-lit room not far from where you are, dozens of eyes are glued to a glowing computer screen. As your eyes read these words and the server hosting this web page registers your presence, a single digit ticks on that screen, and suddenly the room erupts into cheers and l’chaims! Another awesome Jewish young professional somewhere in Cincinnati is interested in our team!
This little room has seen many meetings where great YJP minds like yours have brainstormed, argued, dreamed, debated and l’chaimed over figuring which elements can truly unite, elevate and strengthen the YJP community here in Cincinnati in the most profound way. There was some drama, but we listed, crossed out and redrew until we finally narrowed it down to two things: community contribution paired with more arguing. Immediately, fists were pumping and backs were thumped and we broke out into a spontaneous little hora while confetti rained down from the ceiling!
We share a unique vision in this little room. Just picture it… YJPs of all Jewish denominations working side by side on great projects to help make our community even more awesome, and in between, sitting down to lots and lots of food and drinks while passionately debating the greatest Jewish questions… Can’t you just see it?
And now YOU’RE here, reading about it, and we can’t believe our good fortune! How about we finish our high-fives and start sweeping up confetti while you put your email address in the box below so you can get in on the action asap. We’re so pumped you’ll be here in time for the next round of l’chaims!